Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Something about food...

Good, wholesome food makes me incredibly happy. When I cut into a juicy watermelon, I am immediately taken back to childhood summers. Last week, I cut up some basil from by garden and was overwhelmed with the beautiful smell and the memories of summers past. Food is a part of my good memories. Food brings us together and makes us happy. I am passionate about good food. Because of this passion, I have to adhere to a basic rule - you must always cook and bake with the foods of the season. I can't bear to make something in the winter that calls for fresh strawberries or tomatoes. Strawberries remind me of spring, and I can't be eating them in the dead of winter -that would be like playing Christmas music in July. Tomatoes belong to late summer and into the autumn. Chocolate, citrus fruits, and nuts get my mind twirling with ideas of winter desserts. Juicy peaches and crisp apples are the best in autumn desserts. A raspberry tart would be perfect for a late summer dinner party outdoors. Although I have only been to Nantucket once and have never picked any berries there, I imagine picking blueberries in the middle of the summer and taking them back in a basket to my summer cottage. I have found that Europeans respect the foods of the seasons more than we do. I'm not sure why. Why is it that Europeans always have to out-shine us in the food catergory? That's okay - it just makes me love the different countries of Europe that much more. Oh, I love their love for food. And I'm grateful for all those of you out there who inspire me with your love of food. So here's to summer and all the fresh foods we can eat this season!


Hillary said...

Where's the recipe for that drool-inducing pie??

Melanie Anne said...

I completely agree with you!! I LOVE all the wonderful foods of the seasons. Summer is the best of course--with all the berries, melons, fresh herbs and garden bounty. But, I do love the roasted root vegetable, savory bean soups and fresh bakes bread that Fall and winter brings. And that pie in your picture is beautful!

Kristy said...

Cort- this is so true. Food always tastes best in its season. I am kind of jealous you already have basil from your garden. I think I may have planted mine later than I should have. Next year I'm starting everything inside so I can get a head start. The midwest winter just lasts way too long!